Testimonies for the Church Volume 2   (2)
The boy is the type of the man. I entreat of you to face rightabout. Do everything that needs to be done in the shape of small duties, disagreeable though they may be. Then you will have the approval of those around you, and, what is to be more highly prized, you will have the approval of God. You cannot be a Christian unless you are a faithful servant in that which is least. If you pray, and strive to do your best to perform every duty, God will bless and help you. When Jesus comes to take His faithful ones to Himself, do you wish to have Him say to you: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant?” Matthew 25:21. Do you desire to have all imperfections removed from your character, that you may be found without fault before the throne of God? If so, you have a work to do for yourself which no one else can do for you. You have an individual responsibility before God. You can walk in the light, and daily receive strength from God to overcome every imperfection, and finally be among the faithful, true, and holy in the kingdom of God. Yield not to temptation. Satan will annoy you and seek to control your mind, that he may lead you into sin. “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.” James 4:7~8. (2T 312.1) MC VC
Remember that the eye of God is ever upon you. When you answer disrespectfully, God sees and hears you. The time is coming when all shall be judged according to the deeds done in the body. You will have a part to act in the judgment. Jesus will either receive or reject you. Flee to Him for strength and grace. He desires to help you, to be the guide of your youth, and to so strengthen you that you can bless others with your influence. God loves you and will save you if you come in His appointed way; but if you rebel and choose your own course, it will be to your eternal loss. Pray much, for prayer is one of the most essential duties. Without it you cannot maintain a Christian walk. It elevates, strengthens, and ennobles; it is the soul talking with God. (2T 312.2) MC VC